Anybody know how much money is to replace a bad lifter valve and The timing chain tensioners on a 99 Ford Explorer 4.0 engine on a regular shop? What happen if i dont replace it?Anybody know how much money is to replace a bad lifter valve and The timing chain tensioners on a 99 Ford Expl?I assume this is the SOHC 4.0L.
You lose the engine if you don't replace them as the engine will jump time. Since this engine is an interference engine, that means 12 bent up valves at least.
You must pull the engine to get to the passenger side assembly as it is in the rear of the engine!Anybody know how much money is to replace a bad lifter valve and The timing chain tensioners on a 99 Ford Expl?About 1,800 dollars and you will at some point ruin the motor if it's not fixed.Might cost more once they get into the job.