Tuesday, October 25, 2011
How do you replace the alternator on a '93 Subaru Legacy?
My battery light and brake lights are coming on after driving a few minutes. I had it check out for free at Advance Auto parts and it is reading good! Would i also need to replace the belt since i feel some sliping? If , so how or where to find an online guide? Thanks in advance.How do you replace the alternator on a '93 Subaru Legacy?start the engine... disconnect the positive battery cable, if the engine dies, the alternator is bad. remove and replace, including the belt, then hook the positive battery cable back up.How do you replace the alternator on a '93 Subaru Legacy?If you are planning on doing the work yourself, get a good manual for the car (Haynes or one like it) at the parts store. It is not all that difficult. I would recommend replacing the belt if it has been slipping as it would have been worn more than usual.