Change one string at a not take every string off the guitar and then add the new ones. Changing strings one at a time leaves tension on the bridge and neck. (preferable)
Look closely how your other strings are attached to the guitar.
Pull the bridge pin out where the broken string may need some needle nose pliers?
Put the ball end of the string in the bridge pin hole and press the bridge pin back into place.
Some bridge pins have little grooves...make sure this groove is facing toward the neck of the guitar...toward the tuning keys..etc.
Pull the string up until it meets resistance from the bridge pin.
Thread the other end of the string through the tuning key hole, measuring a good 1 1/2 tuning key lengths extra of string. (this is to ensure 2 1/2 to 3 string windings around the tuning post.)
In other words, put the string through the hole, then just before the 3rd string tuning key, mark that point by holding it...then create some slack in the string by pulling the string back through the hole until that point meets the first string tuning key. (still with me? Haha)
If you can..physically bend the string at the first string tuning post as it exits the hole, then begin tightening the tuning key.
The trick to this is...maintain pressure on the string by holding it tight against the tuning post with your right hand, while your left hand turns the tuning key.
When the string wrap makes a complete circle...go UNDER the previous wrap....continue tightening the string this way until, hopefully you have at least 2 1/2 to 3 wraps around the tuning post. Make sure the bridge pin is staying in place when you tighten the string, sometimes they tend to pop out of the bridge.
Tune the string to proper pitch.
Then grab the string at the 12th fret and stretch it..up down sideways..etc..and retune. ( this will help the string stay in tune faster)
Remember...when tuning it's always best to go below pitch and tighten the string up to pitch to maintain tension on the string.
If a guitar string is sharp...Never simply lower the string back to pitch...go below the proper pitch, and then back up to pitch to keep the string tight.
Hope this helped you...and remember...keep practicing till those fingers bleed.How do I replace the strings on my acoustic guitar?You know if you are not sure you can have guitar center show you howHow do I replace the strings on my acoustic guitar?