Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How often do you replace things such as a Television or Cooker?

Do you only replace them when they REALLY need replacing for example they break down or are beyond repair? Or are you the sort of person who is constantly spending money on buying new things, but you enjoy doing so as your home looks lovely and up to date?

Thanks for answering.How often do you replace things such as a Television or Cooker?When they break down, I'm not into consumerism!How often do you replace things such as a Television or Cooker?I dont really want to answer this one as you can guarantee I will curse myself lolHow often do you replace things such as a Television or Cooker?When they really need repair. How often do you replace things such as a Television or Cooker?whenever they go out of fashion. iv had 4 fridges in 2 years what does that tell you? and no they weren't broke! :))How often do you replace things such as a Television or Cooker?whenever they become obsolete or brokenHow often do you replace things such as a Television or Cooker?Once they are past there best then i replace them.How often do you replace things such as a Television or Cooker?I replace things when they break and only then; I've had the same tv for over 10 years and it still works fine.How often do you replace things such as a Television or Cooker?I only replace things when they're broken beyond repair.How often do you replace things such as a Television or Cooker?The Tv we bought because we wanted to be up to date and bought a flat screen one or two.. We repalce other things as and when they are broken...How often do you replace things such as a Television or Cooker?Domestic appliances are repaired time and time again until the parts aren't available any more. My husband replaced our television though and the old one was OK, but he wanted the latest flat screen 40 inch one.
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