Friday, September 23, 2011

How do vegans replace their dairy vitamins?

I'm a vegetarian and planning to go vegan when I turn 18, but I'm just wondering, how do vegans replace their dairy vitamins? How do vegans replace their dairy vitamins?they usually take multivtamnics/supplements to replace dairy

they also drink soy milk//// and other soy productsHow do vegans replace their dairy vitamins?Excuse me? Dairy vitamins? Are we talking homogenized pus and pasteurized blood here? There are no nutrients to be found in cow's breast milk. Milk leeches calcium from your bones, which is why osteoporosis is so prevalent in America yet is almost nonexistent in Asia where dairy consumption up til the last decade was null.

Dairy accelerates prostate cancer in men, so are you sure you want to hold off til your 18th?How do vegans replace their dairy vitamins?You simply don't need to. You can get all your nutrients from plant based foods. The one exception is B12, for which you can take a supplement or buy cereals and soymilk fortified with it. Milk is NOT a good source of calcium, and yes, it does contribute to osteoperosis. The best sources of calcium are from foods like broccoli, kale, almonds, etc. And eating foods with vitamin C really helps to absorb calcium. Taking a multivitamin is a good idea for most people, but it doesn't replace having a good diet. How do vegans replace their dairy vitamins?Well I'm vegan and I don't take any supplements. Only flax seed oil sometimes for the Omega 3's., but for dairy not. If you mean calcium we get the proteins and the calcium from soy milk, soy products such as soy yogurts, etc, vegetables like potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and peanuts, walnuts etc :-)

hope this helpsHow do vegans replace their dairy vitamins?What %26quot;vitamins%26quot; exactly are you talking about?

Do you suppose its natural for humans to rely on drinking milk from another species, to get their essiential %26quot;vitamins%26quot;? Weren't we weaned when we grew teeth?

Pasteurized cow milk is the one of the worst things you can put in your body under the so called %26quot;food%26quot; catagory. Its completely unnatural after its heated and loses most if not all its nutritional value. Not to mention all the enzymes that your body NEEDS to digest it! Because of the high protein content (and because its heated), everytime you drink it your body has to take away from it's own vital calcium, mineral, and enzyme supply just to digest it. It gives absolutely no benefit what so ever. Like I said your actually depleted of calcium when you drink it.

It also creates mucus in the body, and leaves a nasty cote of unnatural muck in the digestive track.

When milk is homogenized it does even more damage. It too is an unnatural process done only to %26quot;preserve%26quot; the life of the milk on the shelf, so profits aren't lost. It scars the arteries, which is one of the reasons heart disease is so present in people today.

If your talking raw cow milk, that would be a different. But still the imbalance of minerals in cow milk are completely unnatural to the human body. Cow's milk was designed for calves, not humans. Just as human milk was created specifically for a human baby. Raw milk is extremely hard to find now days anyway, unless you have your own cows ofcourse or know someone who does.

By the way, if your talking of vitamin B12, you don't need to seek animal products to get it. B12 is in leafy green vegetables, legumes and our own intesinal flora! It takes a healthy, clean digestive track to absorb it though. So most people who consume animal products don't even have the ability to absorb it, which is why B12 deficincy is more present in people who consume animal products than people who don't.

Millions and millions of dollars are paid every year to keep the truth hidden from the public. Stop believing all these ads you see everywhere. They are not being put up by people who care for your health.How do vegans replace their dairy vitamins?Dairy is not hard to replace, nutritionally speaking.

I recommend that you try collards green with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

Bread, pasta, cereal, rice, beans, peas, lentils, nuts, seeds, fruits and veggies can easily offer everything that you need except B12.

All vegetarians should take a B12 supplement regularly since most people eat meat, dairy AND fortified cereals yet still have a B12 status that is lower than recommended.

It may help if you see proof that vegan people have the same potential as anyone else.

If you need meat or dairy during any stage of your life or to live any certain lifestyle, why does the American Dietetic Association say otherwise? do vegans replace their dairy vitamins?milk is just liquid fat with some vitamin d added

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